What We Do

What We Do

International Patient Services - We provide entire services to patient willing to travel abroad with the support of medical and concierge logistics.

International Healthcare Events - We have the network of team to organize CME, OPD CAMPS, SURGICAL CAMPS in association with international hospitals and medical centers in different countries. organize CME, OPD CAMPS, SURGICAL CAMPS in association with international hospitals and medical centers in different countries. Organize CME, OPD CAMPS, SURGICAL CAMPS in association with international hospitals and medical centers in different countries.

Tele-Medicine We connect to you international doctors sitting at your home country covering medical consultation and radiology investigation, diagnosis.

Turnkey Hospital Projects - We, in cooperation with our associates, are in a position to cater for all hospital management functions and provide expert personnel and training.

1.  Programming and Design

2.  Procurement Services for Material and Equipment

3.  Construction and Supervision

4.  Hospital Operations and Maintenance

5.  Hospital Management and Services 

Wellness Tourism - Alternative medicines, Rehabilitation, Rejuvenation